Body Mechanix Harpenden   Harpenden Osteopath | Harpenden Physiotherapy | Harpenden Sports Massage

Registered Osteopath and paediatric specialist Claire Mckenna qualified in 2008 from the Surrey Institute of Osteopathic Medicine (SIOM). Since 2018, Claire has been Director of the multi-award winning clinic, Body Mechanix Harpenden, leading a team of highly experienced practitioners.


Claire treats patients of all ages for a wide variety of conditions, including back and neck pain, repetitive strain injuries, pelvic pain in pregnancy, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and sports injuries to name a few.


In addition, Claire has specialist paediatric knowledge and expertise having undertaken the prestigious Osteopathic Centre for Children’s (OCC) diploma, qualifying in 2014.  Claire spent a further 2 years of working in the OCC’s clinic voluntarily to enhance and reinforce her knowledge and experience, continuing to treat varied paediatric presentations; from the very common to the complex.


Claire has worked in two London hospital NICU wards and paediatric outpatients, successfully treating new born and premature children suffering from complications and severe disability.


Over the last 15 years Claire has treated thousands of patients of all ages, from new-borns just hours old, to very elderly patients (the eldest being 102 years old) and everyone in between.


When treating, Claire looks to work with a patient’s posture, symmetry and bio-mechanics, considering previous injuries and patients occupation and lifestyle. She looks to treat the root cause of the symptoms to ensure full resolution of symptoms. Claire often prescribes correctional and rehabilitation exercises, as well as offering basic nutritional advice in order to enhance and facilitate treatment outcomes. 


Body Mechanix Harpenden   Harpenden Osteopath | Harpenden Physiotherapy | Harpenden Sports Massage

Over the last decade, Claire has also worked with a number of sports teams (from local amateur to elite professional) and is qualified in various therapeutic modalities that are often used as an adjunct to osteopathy; including Dry needling, Strapping and Kinesiology Taping (K-taping).


Claire enjoys offering something back to the profession that has already given her so much and as a result, has lectured numerous times over the years to undergraduate osteopaths both in the UK and Ireland.



Kate’s testimonial:

“My 7 month old was waking up every hour through the night and was very unsettled and unhappy during the day. I was recommended to go and see Claire and after just one session he improved massively. We are a few sessions in now and I now have a boy who sleeps soundly at night and who is much more content during the day – I can’t recommend Claire enough!”


Karen’s testimonial:

“Been under the care of Claire easing bulges on my spine with acupuncture. It’s helped the pain so much I cannot recommendation enough. And after a more recent surgery on my wrist Claire worked her magic on easing the stiffness in my arm and worked on my scar sensitivity, even just the day after it’s feeling wonderful”.


Meg’s testimonial:

“Always kind and considerate, always going the extra mile to help you. The practitioners always make sure you leave feeling good and explain what to expect during treatment”.