What is Reiki and how can it help?

Reiki is a tried and tested way to enhance the body’s ability to enter a state of total relaxation, by changing the vibrational field of every cell in the body. As with all therapies, it works best over a period of time.

Although it is usual to feel benefit from the first session,  I encourage a minimum of three sessions initially followed periodic sessions of a month or six weeks.


Did you know that Reiki is  used in a number of hospitals in the UK?

The University College Hospitals NHS London where Reiki is offered to patients  with stress and mood disorder, alongside conventional cancer treatment and to complement the treatments of endometriosis.

Southampton University Hospitals NHS where Reiki is offered to palliative care cancer patients in the day care unit.

Newham University Hospital NHS London, and many more not listed here.


Reiki is an integrative form of healthcare that is non invasive and applied by touch, or by hands hovering a few centimetres above the torso.


Why is relaxation important?


It is recognised that when the body is in a deeply relaxed state, it functions more effectively. When relaxed, we breathe more deeply, physical aches and pains diminish and we can think more clearly.

It is now known that every organ and cell in the body has a vibrational frequency which operates when that frequency is at it’s optimal or ideal level. Reiki, and other vibrational modalities work to bring this vibrational frequency in balance and it is this that helps the body to self heal. This seems remarkable but the growing body of vibrational medicine research and development supports these methods and offers good news to everyone who wants to take charge of their health and wellbeing.

Body Mechanix Harpenden   Harpenden Osteopath | Harpenden Physiotherapy | Harpenden Sports Massage

Body Mechanix Harpenden   Harpenden Osteopath | Harpenden Physiotherapy | Harpenden Sports Massage

Developed by A.T. Still in 1870, Osteopathy is a musculoskeletal treatment regulated and recognised by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).

The heart of osteopathic practice is based around clinical examination, whereby your symptoms are investigated with specific, relevant, special tests, leading to an individual and appropriate diagnosis (inclusive of any psychological and social factors that may well contribute to the symptoms) leading to a personalised, tailor-made treatment.

Osteopathy takes into account mechanical and structural dysfunctional factors, which have caused the symptoms within the body. You may be surprised to learn that your dysfunction is located far from where the symptoms are presenting in the body.

All consultations are handled with great professionalism and sensitivity. An initial consultation at Body Mechanix will last between 45-60 minutes (average) to ensure a full and accurate diagnosis and treatment with follow up appointment lasting 25-30 minutes (average).